Friday, 19 November 2010

Day 165: Solving creative dilemmas...

I am currently experiencing another conundrums in my creative work. In case you didn't read Day 146's post, at the moment I am writing a novel for young people called The Secret. It's about two girls, Holly and Jenna, but I won't give too much away...

The problem is this; Holly is the main character and I am really enjoying writing her story, but she finds Jenna's diary and starts reading it. That's kind of where I'm at. The problem is, I haven't written Jenna's diary, so logic says, write that and then carry on with Holly's story, right?

But I don't want to do that! I want to carry on writing Holly's story 'cause it's so much fun and it's exciting and...

Do you ever get like this? Do you get caught between what you should do and what you want to do in your creative work?

I guess the real question is, what do we do about it? In my case, if I carry on with Holly's story, I'm gonna eventually get stuck because Jenna's diary barely exists....yet. So, I need to write Jenna's diary. But what if I lose momentum and get stuck...


Well, that's what creative thinking's about I recon. It's not just what you produce, it's about how you get there. Feel free to share your creative problems with me and I'll try help you out. Or, you can give me some beads of wisdom on my dilemma...

Us creative people need to stick together! Sharing ideas is how things moves forward. I feel better just for telling you all. Maybe you could set up a group at school/college/work where you can all take creative problems and talk about them. That's what I do at uni and it's really helpful. Sometimes other people can see it more clearly than you, because it's not their work.

Who could you help today...?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why not write Jenna's diary as Holly reads it that way your discovering things at the same rate as your own character. Course I've never been good at pre planning and just write on the fly anyway. :)